Brazil is a country known for its warm and sunny climate, with white sand beaches and crystal clear waters. However, there are regions where the winter is more rigorous, with lower temperatures and, in some cases, even snow. Despite being uncommon in Brazil, snow is a phenomenon that arouses curiosity and fascination in many Brazilians. Even without having the opportunity to live this experience, it is possible to imagine and create art from this scenario. Based on this, the proposal for an automotive retouching project arises that explores a Brazilian's view of snow, through retouching, matte painting and design techniques, transforming cars into true works of art in this scenario. The idea is to make people dream of winter, even in a tropical country like Brazil.


Credits & Social Media
Leonardo Azeredo - Creative Retoucher | Post Production Artist - Instagram
Ian Oliveira - Creative Retoucher - Digital Artist - Instagram
Lucas Farizatto - Post Production | Creative Retoucher - Instagram
Rafael Casagrande - Post Productor | Digital Artist - Instagram
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